Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Operation And Maintenance of Surface Drains

Operation and Maintenance Items
A properly operated and maintained surface drainage system is an asset to the farm.  This drainage system was designed and installed to remove excess surface water with a system of field ditches.  The estimated life span of this installation is approximately 10 years.  The life of this system can be assured and usually increased by developing and carrying out a good operation and maintenance program.
Failure to Operate and Maintain this system could result in actions to reclaim cost share and/or loss of any future financial or technical assistance.
This practice will require performance of periodic maintenance and also require operational items to maintain satisfactory performance.  A good operation and maintenance program includes:
·         Maintain cross-section and gradient by controlling channel erosion and sloughing.
·         Control the growth of vegetative materials by the use of herbicides and/or mowing.
·         Remove all foreign debris and trash that hinders system operation.
·         Install and maintain fences to prevent livestock access when adjacent fields are used for pasture.
·         Check all structures and rock riprap sections for accelerated weathering and displacement.  Replace to original grades as necessary.
·         Eradicate or otherwise remove all rodents and/or burrowing animals that have or can potentially damage any part of the system.  Immediately repair any damage caused by their activity.
Immediately repair any vandalism, vehicular or livestock damage
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